About us


The company was born in the winter of 2013, from the merger of Ellipsos, Optim Ressources and Ethisolutions, three of the very first sustainable development consulting firms in Quebec. Recognized for their expertise in supporting organizations and their contribution to the dissemination of sustainable development principles, our firms had been working together for several years. With the cumulative experience of its founders, Ellio has over 15 years' experience in the field of sustainable development. 
Motivated by a deep-rooted human, environmental and social conviction, we believe that each and every one of us has the energy, the power, not to say today the duty, to be a positive agent of change. This power is within each and every one of us, whether we are a citizen, an employee, an entrepreneur, the CEO of a multinational corporation or a member of a board of directors.
Because when it comes down to it, if there's one thing we all have in common, it's the future of our society. 

Our purpose

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Our vision

We aspire to a world where everyone is aware of their ability to bring about positive change, where companies sustainably transform their business models to become resilient.

A world where individuals, companies and public authorities work together to generate positive social and environmental impacts, so that collective intelligence can truly serve society.

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Our beliefs

We believe in everyone's ability to initiate sustainable change.

The crises and difficulties we encounter provide us with opportunities to take action.

Getting help to get started eliminates stagnation and transforms it into passion.

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Our mission

We exist to develop the ability of individuals to transform their organizations so that they leave a positive and distinctive mark on our society.

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Our corporate culture

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A horizontal structure,
linked by a common project

To unleash individual and collective energies, we have chosen to experiment with a shared governance model which, over time, will evolve into a hybrid model better suited to our needs and desires: shared governance.
Nurtured by the pleasure of collaboration, mutual trust and a sense of responsibility, our teams are now autonomous in the way they manage the files entrusted to them, whether they choose to exercise their acquired skills or to respond to new career aspirations.
After two years of learning, trial and error (!), we are now convinced that this approach nurtures collective goodwill, unleashes creativity and provokes the constructive exchanges that a learning organization like ours needs.
Ellio équipe, Esther Dormagen, Sandra Arce, Iblis Le Guen, Eduardo Firak, Xavier Lecorgne, Anne Lautier, Océane Barth, Véronique Levy, Nelly Drouet, Joffrey Clément
Meet our team

The Ellio family

Our family is beautiful because it's diverse, colorful and restless.
Playing outside, getting fresh air, having a drink, laughing and sharing memorable moments together is part of Ellio's DNA.
Discover planet Ellio


The person designated at Ellio to perform the duties of Access to Documents Officer and Privacy Officer is:
Esther Dormagen, President: edormagen@ellio.ca

The Privacy Officer will contact you within thirty (30) days of receiving your e-mail.

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