Parcours sustainable development icon

Entrepreneurial paths

Sustainable development pathway

Alone we go faster, but together we go further!
That's what drives us at Ellio when it comes to collective intelligence. We create Entrepreneurial Journeys in sustainable development for all sectors of activity and for a variety of audiences: start-ups, SMEs, NPOs and large corporations. Over a set period (6 months to 1 year on average), members of a cohort take part in co-development activities, practical workshops and networking events. At the end of their experience, each individual is able to master the key concepts, challenges and opportunities related to sustainable development, define the purpose of his or her organization, prioritize the issues that will create the most positive impacts for his or her ecosystem and society, unite his or her teams through a mobilizing project, and take action by putting his or her commitments into practice. This common thread, both strategic and operational, enables each participant to become an agent of change.
Are you an economic development organization, an industry representative, an entrepreneur or an employee? We can help you build or contribute to a customized Pathway, and play one or more of the following roles as required:


Carry out a recruitment campaign to build up a cohort


Building the engineering and programming of the Journey

Group activities

Prepare and lead activities for the entire cohort


Accompany organizations in their strategic reflection process, leading them, if so desired, to a recognized certification (Ecoresponsible, B Corp, or sector-specific).


Operate the Journey (project management, relations with participants and partners, fund-raising, reporting, etc.).

They put their trust in us...

Parcours DD Montréal logo
Ecological transition course
Tourism Impact Path logo
Logo Low-carbon transition course, eco-tourism sector
Black Ellio logo

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