Débuter un plan climat pour votre MRC peut sembler complexe. Grâce au programme Accélérer la transition climatique locale (ATCL) du Québec, des outils et ressources sont disponibles pour guider vos premières étapes. Découvrez comment structurer votre démarche de mobilisation et de consultation des parties prenantes dès le départ et garantir une approche inclusive et adaptée aux réalités locales.
Read moreAvec la participation des élus, des municipalités, des nations autochtones, des organismes communautaires, des entreprises, des industries, commerces et institutions et avec la population, la création de votre plan climat reflétera réellement votre territoire
Read moreWhy regenerative tourism? Because aiming for sustainable tourism is obviously necessary, even essential to the pursuit of our activities, but may not be enough to bring real long-term prosperity to our territories and communities. Indeed, the notion of "sustainable" implies keeping things "as is", as they are, without degrading them further...
Read moreFor family reasons, I have to return regularly to my home town, Nancy. So I've decided to spend more time meeting people who are making a difference...
Read moreThere are over 8 billion human beings on the planet. And if there's one thing we all have in common, it's that we all want to be happy.
Read moreBased on this observation, the Net Zero Initiative offers a practical guide with 3 pillars of action for companies...
Read moreOrganizations' commitment to carbon neutrality is essential today, but it's important to understand what it's all about: the concept raises some fundamental questions. Carbon neutrality" or "net zero emissions" is defined by the IPCC as a situation of equilibrium between anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and their absorption over a defined period.
Read moreWith the publication of the Government Sustainable Development Strategy 2023-2028, the Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs is inviting all provincial ministries and organizations to draw up and submit a Sustainable Development Action Plan, commonly known as a SDAP, by September 1, 2023.
Read moreWhat struck me in 2022 was the growing penetration of questions about the ecological transition and sustainable development. No matter how much insiders criticize the term, blaming it for all the ills of organizational lack of ambition, greenwashing and runaway growth, even if it is green, I know that it has not yet been taken on board by organizational leaders.
Read moreCOP 26 crystallizes the challenges of our century to the highest degree, and we believe that this is, unfortunately, rather justified. Even if the prospect of global warming below 1.5 degrees seems increasingly utopian, at Ellio we believe that everyone in our society has the capacity to take action and make a difference. Our clients partners are perfect examples of this ambition, and here are some of their best achievements...
Read moreHailing from Brazil, Eduardo is a nugget to be discovered, having settled in Quebec more than five years ago.
Read moreA few years ago, with the support of students and the university administration where I worked, I co-founded Hectare urbain HEC Montréal with a dynamic doctoral student - a project focused on education and raising awareness of the sustainability issues facing our contemporary world.
Read moreThe page was blank, but it became colored with all kinds of reflections and influences, around a few questions: what does the society we want to help create look like? What role do organizations play in it? What posture should we adopt?...
Read moreWe wanted to compare the Quebec and French approaches to the subject and their impact on organizations. On the French side, Agnès Rambaud-Paquin with the Des enjeux et des hommes team and her partner Martin Richer, founder of Management&RSE, have accumulated extensive experience on the subject, in sectors as varied as agri-food, services, industry, real estate and distribution. Here, they share what they've learned on the subject.
Read moreI have to admit that finding myself quietly talking about technological innovation and Canadian politics over a drink with Bertrand Piccard, of the Solar Impulse Foundation, is off to a great start. His talk this morning was a great moment, how shall I put it... an elevation?
Read moreAs I'm not necessarily inclined towards extremes, I saw it more as an opportunity to 1) reduce my consumption and 2) for purchases that were harder to "compress", to observe my needs and the gaps in second-hand alternatives.
Read moreA n de relever les dé s à venir, les entreprises seront inévitablement amenée à envisager le développement durable sous un angle plus stratégique, et à conjuguer réduction des impacts environnementaux avec opportunités d’a ffaires.
Read moreL’évènement, d’une durée de 3 jours, avait lieu cette année à Toronto. Il s’agissait d’une rencontre importante, puisque la certi cation célèbre cette année ses 10 ans d’existence, et c’était également la première fois que la rencontre avait lieu ailleurs qu’aux Etats-Unis. Le Canada s’est imposé comme une destination incontournable, puisqu’il compte la 2ème plus importante communauté d’entreprises Bcorp!
Read moreVoici le deuxième épisode de notre trilogie sur notre aventure Bcorp! Aujourd’hui, rencontrez d’autres entreprises certi ées, voyez comment elles attirent de nouveaux talents ou mobilisent leurs employés et découvrez comment faire partie de cette communauté peut amener de nouveaux partenariats ou occasions d’a aires...
Read moreAujourd’hui nous vous présentons le premier volet d’une série de 3 petits vidéos qui tournent autour de notre expérience d’entreprise certi ée B Corp. Découvrez les raisons qui nous ont poussé à nous jeter à l’eau, et comment nous en sommes sortis grandis..
Read moreHave you heard of Lilo, the search engine that lets you surf the web while supporting a project of your choice? The principle is simple and ingenious: every search, every click we make generates money, the equivalent of around $40 per person per year, thanks to commercial links.
Read moreEsther Dormagen has joined HEC's Créateurs de Valeurs circle. The Créateurs de Valeurs project consists of ten video interviews with prominent Quebec personalities with exemplary achievements in sustainable development.
Read moreIn reality, the glass that goes into the recycling bin most often breaks, and arrives at the sorting centers in the form of glass shards or glass powder, where it mixes with other materials.
Read moreCe jour-là, Ellio annonçait o ciellement son partenariat avec Canadian Business for Social Responsability (CBSR), un OBNL constituant le plus grand réseau d’entreprises et une ressource clé en RSE au Canada. Pour l’occasion nous avons eu la chance d’accueillir M. Steven Fish, directeur exécutif de CBSR, et deux conférenciers de talent : Jean-François Albert, vice-président fabrication chez Mega Brands, et Marie-France Sosa, responsable des ventes et du développement d’a aires chez Plastiques GPR inc.
Read moreFondée il y a cinq ans par Denise Mérineau et Marc-André Gauvreau, partenaires en a aires et dans la vie, Brasseurs de Montréal est une microbrasserie- restaurant de Gri ntown, en pleine expansion pour accueillir les futurs résidents du quartier. Ellio a rencontré Marc-André pour en savoir plus...
Read moreFirstly, because Ellio is made up of three organizations whose (first) birth dates back several years (the grey hairs of some of our consultants can attest to this).
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