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sustainable strategies


Whether under pressure from consumers, investors, employees or even citizens, the business world is being called to account for its ESG performance. ESG stands for environmental, social and governance, and refers to the criteria used to assess a company's sustainable performance. Companies that fail to take ESG factors into account risk facing financial, reputational and compliance challenges. In short, ESG reporting has become an essential part of many companies' business strategy. That's why we support you in the development of your sustainability reports, to help you demonstrate and measure your environmentally responsible practices. To ensure your reporting is credible and transparent, we use internationally recognized standards such as Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and others.
To help you prepare your sustainability reports, our experts will guide you through the following steps:

Setting ESG priorities

The ESG issues most relevant to its activities and stakeholders are identified, as are the benchmark(s) on which the report is to be based.

Collecting data

Data collection will enable ESG performance to be measured on the issues targeted above. This stage may involve setting up data management systems and engaging with external stakeholders.

Analyze data

The data collected must be analyzed to understand the company's performance on relevant ESG issues and to identify areas for improvement.

Setting objectives and targets

Setting objectives and targets will guide the company in improving its ESG performance on relevant issues. Objectives and targets must be ambitious and aligned with the company's strategy.

Preparing a report

The ESG accountability report, which must be transparent and credible, will be used to communicate our performance and progress on relevant issues to our stakeholders.

Validate report

The report must be validated by independent third parties to reinforce its credibility and transparency.

Communicating the report

The company must communicate its ESG report to relevant stakeholders, including investors, clients, employees and local communities.

monitoring and assessing performance

Tracking and evaluating ESG performance over time will enable the company to measure its progress and identify opportunities for improvement.

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