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Taking action for the climate: how can global action be applied at company level?

Science reminds us that carbon neutrality implies a balance between CO2 emissions and absorptions on a global scale. So a company is not carbon neutral: it contributes to achieving carbon neutrality on a global scale.

Climate action

Based on this observation, the Net Zero Initiative proposes a concrete guide with 3 pillars of action for companies:

Pillar A - Reduce emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3);

Pillar B - Helping others to reduce their emissions, through our products and services;

Pillar C - Contribute to increasing carbon sinks.

Climate action

Each company is encouraged to measure its performance on each of these pillars, to set ambitious targets and to manage them dynamically over time. It is essential to emphasize that these three levers are complementary, not additive or subtractable, and must all be activated at the right level of contribution.  

In terms of priority, reducing corporate emissions must be the top priority for climate action.

Furthermore, with Pillar B, the Net Zero Initiative emphasizes the key role of companies in developing products and services that enable their customers to reduce their emissions. Several of our clients companies, including Ecosystem, Airthings and Beyond Technologies, have taken or are in the process of taking this ambitious and inspiring path.

At Ellio, we've been using this benchmark since 2020 and are convinced of its relevance and practicality. In fact, our clients clients have easily adopted it to make climate action a reality within their organizations.  

The transition to a low-carbon model is not only necessary, it's inevitable. Our team firmly believes in the positive impact that every company can have by actively engaging in this process.

#ClimateAction #NeutralCarbon #NetZero #ESG #RSE
To find out more about the Net Zero Initiative:

Climate action

Source: Net Zero Initiative

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