En 2016, BLab* a lancé le «Inclusive Economy Challenge» – soit le dé fi pour une économie inclusive. Il s’agissait pour chacune des entreprises souhaitant participer de choisir 3 actions sur lesquelles elle s’engagerait à s’améliorer au cours de l’année à venir, dans un (ou plusieurs) thèmes.
The themes are as follows:
Over 150 companies took part, and the annual Bcorp gathering was an opportunity to highlight their achievements.
Ellio's favorite? Lunapads' inclusion strategy for Trans people. Lunapads is a Canadian company based in Vancouver. Its founder, Madeleine Shaw, has been dedicated to creating personal care products that respect the body and the environment since 1993.(Our introductory photo)
It now specializes in reusable sanitary protection and underwear made from recycled cotton.
Lunapads is committed to ensuring that its products respect gender diversity. For example, Lunapads offers Boxer underwear with a cut adapted to Transmasculine people. The models in the new collection also pay tribute to all bodies, all physiognomies, all origins...
So thank you to Suzane Siemens, CEO of Lunapads, for this breath of fresh air! A presentation as touching as it was inspiring...
Ellio agrees to take part in the New Year's dice...
*L’organisme ayant mis en place la certi cation Bcorp.
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