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B Corp

Bcorp Champions Retreat: a meeting under the banner of interdependence

Selon le dictionnaire, l’interdépendance peut être dénie de la façon suivante: «L’interdépendance est la dépendance réciproque, mutuelle. C’est l’état de personnes ou de choses qui dépendent les unes des autres. L’interdépendance est aussi un concept bouddhiste pour décrire le fait que tous les éléments de la nature sont en interactions et dépendent les uns des autres pour exister». C’est donc sous ce thème tout aussi optimiste que fondamental que s’est déroulée en ce début d’octobre la rencontre annuelle des entreprises certiées Bcorp.

 Bcorp Champions Retreat: a meeting under the banner of interdependence

This year's 3-day event was held in Toronto. It was an important meeting, as the certification celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, and it was also the first time the event was held outside the USA. Canada has established itself as an essential destination, with the 2nd largest community of Bcorp! companies.

Ellio was lucky enough to take part in the event, which was a unique opportunity to meet like-minded companies whose business model is not based solely on financial profitability, but on creating value for society.

The conference opened with a retrospective, highlighting 10 key events in the movement. We're very proud to be part of it, since the Bcorp community now counts almost 2,300 members in over 50 countries!

We also had the opportunity to exchange views with the other companies at themed round tables, and to determine the next steps in strengthening our action on issues such as climate change and inclusion. In the background, the declaration of interdependence, with its colorful characters, reminded everyone of our commitments*.

"Interdependence is reciprocal, mutual dependence. It is the state of people or things depending on each other. Interdependence is also a Buddhist concept to describe the fact that all elements of nature interact and depend on each other to exist."
 Bcorp Champions Retreat: a meeting under the banner of interdependence
 Bcorp Champions Retreat: a meeting under the banner of interdependence

*Signing the declaration of interdependence is a mandatory step in the certification process.

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