Permaculture is more than just a method, it's an approach that needs to be integrated into our business models and communities.
A few years ago, with the support of students and the university administration where I worked, I co-founded Hectare urbain HEC Montréal with a dynamic doctoral student - a project focused on education and raising awareness of the sustainability issues facing our contemporary world. This initiative gave rise to a 58,000 sq. ft. food forest, an ideal place for students and local schools to learn about permaculture, and a place for professionals to share their knowledge.
Often understood through the prism of its techniques, it is sometimes forgotten that permaculture goes beyond the method; as the flower (1) that symbolizes it presents. Indeed, permaculture offers a transition where ethics, relevance and efficiency - in the sense of biomimicry - are at the heart of judicious action. Imbued with universality, permaculture is a combination of ancestral knowledge and modernity. It invites observation, reflection and learning through contact with natural ecosystems.
But what I also remember is the social imprint thatHectare urbain HEC Montréal leaves on the memories and hearts of all those who take part: members of the university community, sponsored neighbourhood schools, partners and visitors.
In view of the fact that Earth Overshoot Day is systematically reached every year during the summer, and has been for almost 10 years (last registration date: July 27, 2021), it is clear that Permaculture would benefit from being integrated into our business models and within our communities. Cradle to Cradle Design, found in the circular economy, biomimicry in eco-design or the integration of synergistic and collaborative behaviors... All these expressions are present in Permaculture because Permaculture is inspired by the functioning of natural ecosystems: so adopting these expressions is simply a matter of choice. Thanks to Bill Mollison, David Holmgren and all those who inspired them, and who continue to inspire us collectively to do things better, differently.
Permaculture Design Certification (PDC) - P3 Permaculture (2017)
Co-founder of Hectare urbain HEC Montréal
(1) Flowers in Permaculture: https: //
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