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Socio-ecological transition

Aller plus loin sur les bénéfices de l’Analyse de Cycle de Vie

Our contributor Eduardo reveals the full potential of Life Cycle Assessment, through a comprehensive study published on the BtheChange website, the specialized Bcorp media.

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Here are a few extracts:

In order to meet the challenges of the future, companies will inevitably have to consider sustainable development from a more strategic angle, and combine the reduction of environmental impacts with business opportunities. LCA paves the way for this, enabling organizations to:

  • Achieve a higher (and real) level of stakeholder trust;
  • Look for alternative markets;
  • Redefine and increase the value of their brand;
  • Overcoming consumer fatigue in the face of greenwashing.

Under this new paradigm, marketing has shifted its focus from sales to transforming companies into agents of change [...]. Organizations will enable their stakeholders to preserve and enhance the broader context in which they operate.

Click here to read the full article

 Aller plus loin sur les béné�fices de l’Analyse de Cycle de Vie
 Aller plus loin sur les béné�fices de l’Analyse de Cycle de Vie

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