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Socio-ecological transition

Carbon neutrality: between good practice and greenwashing

Organizations' commitment to carbon neutrality is essential today, but it's important to understand what it's all about: the concept raises some fundamental questions. Carbon neutrality" or "net zero emissions" is defined by the IPCC as a situation of equilibrium between anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and their absorption over a defined period.

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Aller plus loin sur les bénéfices de l’Analyse de Cycle de Vie

Our contributor Eduardo reveals the full potential of Life Cycle Assessment, through a comprehensive study published on the BtheChange website, the specialized Bcorp media.

An de relever les dés à venir, les entreprises seront inévitablement amenée à envisager le développement durable sous un angle plus stratégique, et à conjuguer réduction des impacts environnementaux avec opportunités d’affaires.

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The latest trends in Life Cycle Assessment: Our foray into Cycle 2016

Circular economy, Social Life Cycle Assessment, Education, Communication... So many themes, and more, discussed at Cycle 2016, the 5th International Forum on Product and Service Lifecycle Management, which Ellio attended on October 13 and 14. Here we bring you the latest trends, lessons learned and highlights.

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Glass in Quebec: recovered or recycled? It's not the same thing!

In Quebec, the glass recovery rate is around 50%. Yet glass from sorting centers is not recycled to make glass containers! Why not? Because recovery and recycling are not the same thing!

In reality, the glass that goes into the recycling bin most often breaks, and arrives at the sorting centers in the form of glass shards or glass powder, where it mixes with other materials.

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Is your company transformational?

This was the question addressed by our speakers on June 4 at Ellio's second luncheon conference at the Maison du développement durable.

Ce jour-là, Ellio annonçait ociellement son partenariat avec Canadian Business for Social Responsability (CBSR), un OBNL constituant le plus grand réseau d’entreprises et une ressource clé en RSE au Canada. Pour l’occasion nous avons eu la chance d’accueillir M. Steven Fish, directeur exécutif de CBSR, et deux conférenciers de talent : Jean-François Albert, vice-président fabrication chez Mega Brands, et Marie-France Sosa, responsable des ventes et du développement d’aaires chez Plastiques GPR inc.

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