News, testimonials
and the thoughts that drive us...

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The "World Forum for a Responsible Economy" in Lille shows us the way to innovate and make a responsible transition.

Le World Forum for a Responsible Economy de Lille #WFRE19 en est à sa 13e édition. Comme tous les ans, c’est une succession de conférenciers tous plus inspirants les uns que les autres. Mais c’est plus que cela. Pour les conférenciers internationaux, c’est aussi l’occasion de passer 3 jours complets ensemble, de tisser des liens, de s’inspirer, de se faire du bien à l’âme. Et aussi de prendre conscience que les défis sont parfois très diérents, et parfois très similaires.

I have to admit that finding myself quietly talking about technological innovation and Canadian politics over a drink with Bertrand Piccard, of the Solar Impulse Foundation, is off to a great start. His talk this morning was a great moment, how shall I put it... an elevation?

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Offset your GHG emissions by surfing for the cause... on the web

Have you heard of Lilo, the search engine that lets you surf the web while supporting a project of your choice? The principle is simple and ingenious: every search, every click we make generates money, the equivalent of around $40 per person per year, thanks to commercial links.

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Ellio, a (re)birth to celebrate!

REcyclage, RÉutilisation, REvalorisation: all words with sustainable connotations, and therefore very friendly to the ear. That said, to celebrate the creation of our new organization, Ellio, it's even more appropriate to speak of REnaissance.

Firstly, because Ellio is made up of three organizations whose (first) birth dates back several years (the grey hairs of some of our consultants can attest to this).

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Top 3: from ideas to concrete action!

COP 26 crystallizes the challenges of our century to the highest degree, and we believe that this is, unfortunately, rather justified. Even if the prospect of global warming below 1.5 degrees seems increasingly utopian, at Ellio we believe that everyone in our society has the capacity to take action and make a difference. Our clients and partners are perfect examples of this ambition, and here are some of their best achievements...

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The principles of life as a strategy for organizations

The pandemic makes us think about the kind of society we want for ourselves and our children. In our case, it wasn't the desire to denounce, to accuse, to let hope slip away, but rather this conviction that a new world is possible, desirable and within reach. So we got together, a small group of people we liked both professionally and personally, people of inspiration and human values, who were already working towards a better world.

The page was blank, but it became colored with all kinds of reflections and influences, around a few questions: what does the society we want to help create look like? What role do organizations play in it? What posture should we adopt?...

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