News, testimonials
and the thoughts that drive us...

Written by

Esther Dormagen

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What do a hemp plan, the Place Stanislas in Nancy and the We Work space in Medellin have in common?

On the face of it, nothing! But they are all gas pedals of the transition I witnessed during my last stay in France and my trip to Colombia.

For family reasons, I have to return regularly to my home town, Nancy. So I've decided to spend more time meeting people who are making a difference...

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2023: awareness, courage and action?

At the start of this new year, I wanted to put down on paper a few thoughts from 2022 and proposals for 2023.

What struck me in 2022 was the growing penetration of questions about the ecological transition and sustainable development. No matter how much insiders criticize the term, blaming it for all the ills of organizational lack of ambition, greenwashing and runaway growth, even if it is green, I know that it has not yet been taken on board by organizational leaders.

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The "World Forum for a Responsible Economy" in Lille shows us the way to innovate and make a responsible transition.

Le World Forum for a Responsible Economy de Lille #WFRE19 en est à sa 13e édition. Comme tous les ans, c’est une succession de conférenciers tous plus inspirants les uns que les autres. Mais c’est plus que cela. Pour les conférenciers internationaux, c’est aussi l’occasion de passer 3 jours complets ensemble, de tisser des liens, de s’inspirer, de se faire du bien à l’âme. Et aussi de prendre conscience que les défis sont parfois très diérents, et parfois très similaires.

I have to admit that finding myself quietly talking about technological innovation and Canadian politics over a drink with Bertrand Piccard, of the Solar Impulse Foundation, is off to a great start. His talk this morning was a great moment, how shall I put it... an elevation?

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Socio-ecological transition
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Is your company transformational?

This was the question addressed by our speakers on June 4 at Ellio's second luncheon conference at the Maison du développement durable.

Ce jour-là, Ellio annonçait ociellement son partenariat avec Canadian Business for Social Responsability (CBSR), un OBNL constituant le plus grand réseau d’entreprises et une ressource clé en RSE au Canada. Pour l’occasion nous avons eu la chance d’accueillir M. Steven Fish, directeur exécutif de CBSR, et deux conférenciers de talent : Jean-François Albert, vice-président fabrication chez Mega Brands, et Marie-France Sosa, responsable des ventes et du développement d’aaires chez Plastiques GPR inc.

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Brasseurs de Montreal brews beer... ecoresponsible!

Marc-André Gauvreau has always dreamed of making his own beer, but he never thought he'd be making beer that fights climate change! But that's exactly what he's managed to do in his small business.

Fondée il y a cinq ans par Denise Mérineau et Marc-André Gauvreau, partenaires en aaires et dans la vie, Brasseurs de Montréal est une microbrasserie- restaurant de Grintown, en pleine expansion pour accueillir les futurs résidents du quartier. Ellio a rencontré Marc-André pour en savoir plus...

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